
Labour dispute

An unemployment insurance fund is not allowed to make payments to members who are affected by labour dispute as the benefits system must not be used to finance labour disputes.

That means that you’ll not be paid unemployment benefits or holiday benefits if you’re affected by labour dispute. If you’re a member of a trade union, you must contact your union to learn more about financial support during the labour dispute.

If you’re not a member of a trade union, your employer must pay you salary during the dispute (whether it is a strike or a lockout).

If you’re working in a wage-subsidised job, you’re subject to the rules on labour dispute in the same way as other employees. We recommend that you contact your Jobcenter and agree with them whether you may stop working in your wage-subsidised job.

If you’re working in a company internship, you’re not subject to the rules on labour dispute. You can therefore continue your work and be paid benefits as usual.